Miami Dolphins Foundation: Countywide Concussion Care Partnership
The Miami Dolphins Foundation makes it possible for the University of Miami and Countywide Concussion Care Program to continue providing baseline testing and concussion education to the student athletes of Miami-Dade County's 35 public high schools.
Thanks to the Dolphins Foundation and Countywide Concussion Care, approximately 15,000 MDCPS students in all sports are baseline tested with the concussion protocol each year, setting a standard for concussion safety in educational institutions.
Congratulations to our first research fellow!

Like many departments at the University of Miami, the UConcussion program has been host to several volunteers over the years who have assisted with our outreach and education to athletes throughout Miami-Dade County high schools. Our efforts aren’t limited to education or outreach, however. Our concussion management research forms the backbone of our program, guided […]
Current Studies
Countywide High School Concussion Injury Survillance System (2012 - present)
This system was initiated in 2012 to collect all sports-related concussion injury data for all 35 public high schools in Miami-Dade County. Data entered into the system includes demographics, information about the concussion event, ImPACT tests, symptomatology, treatment plans, and information for returning to play and returning to learn. Data is entered by the ATCs at each public high school.
Brainscope II & III (2018-19 & 2019-21)
Study II collected EEG and clinical data to validate/refine adult BFI algorithms for the adolescent and young adult population with mild presentation (GCS 13-15), seen within 72 hours of concussion injury.
Study III has a Concussion Index (CI) at its foundation, addressing the heterogeneity within the concussed population, and includes an ocular modality (Near Point Convergence, NPC). The study leverages BrainScope’s core neurotechnology platform, including the 300iP-O device.
Cannabinoid-based concussion treatment (2016-2021)
This five-year study will assess the effectiveness of a new cannabinoid-based pill to treat concussion injuries. Theis partnership aims to propel this research and potential treatment forward by using two classes of drugs in a combination that scientists believe will reduce brain inflammation and the immune response. Learn more at UM News.
NCAA CARE Consortium Study (2016)
This study, led by the University of Michigan, provides a prospective, multi-institution clinical research protocol whose aim will be to study the natural history of concussions among NCAA student athletes.
GE Healthcare & BrainScope: Advanced MRI Applications for mTBI Phase 2 (2015)
The GE Healthcare project is a multi-site perspective study, evaluating mTBI injuries through cognitive testing and MRIs to further understand how concussions affect the brain. BrainScope is a companion study to the GE Phase 2 project, designed to collect and share post-mTBI data with other researchers using BrainScope's EEG device.
Countywide Concussion Care
Through Ransom Everglades, Gulliver Schools, and Ransom Everglades alumni David Goldstein, the UConcussion program is able to bring ImPACT testing to youth athletes in public high schools. Learn more at Countywide Concussion Care